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Resource Information

  • Autism (Who, What, Why)

  • Male Youth Development

  • Education of Minority and Poor Children in the South

  • Graduation Rates of Male Youth



World Citizens


The future of our student must come first. If we do a good job serving them, our success follows. We need to be on the cutting edge of the future of learning and work. The world is changing  rapidly. The education we offer must be relevant and practical. It must provide our student with the knowledge and skills to prosper in our modern economy. We must never take success for granted. Every student is potentially a successful world citizen. Our success over the long term depends on our ability to move faster than the disruptive forces around us. Our students are our most important assess. We value teamwork and collaboration. It is important to attract, develop, and direct students so that they have the opportunity to compete and thrive in the world.


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